My avatar, by the artist Xavier Wolf.
(c)2006-2013 by Xavier Wolf. Used by permission.
Falseyedee is the pen name for me, a gay author of erotic muscle fiction stories. I have been writing muscle growth, muscle worship and other muscle tinged tales as Falseyedee for more years than I’d care to think about. The pen name was first used on a Yahoo group for muscle growth stories. Not an elegant pen name, but it’s the one I have.
I am a former competitive, natural bodybuilder. I came to bodybuilding later in life (mid-20’s) and loved it. I loved getting bigger and stronger and sculpting my body into a powerful physique. I also loved the way that people responded to my growth and to my muscle. They say that you should write about what you know, so I did. Although I am no longer involved in bodybuilding, too many injuries have made it impossible, I have never lost my lust for muscles and muscle men, nor have I stopped writing about muscle.
Writing about muscle doesn’t pay the bills. I work full time as a design professional in the San Francisco Bay Area and I also write about other subjects under my own name and a variety of pen names. Some day one of those books will sell a ton of copies and I’ll be able to spend all my time writing. Until that happens, I’m still a workin’ man.
I live with my partner in the Bay Area. We enjoy food and wine and I have been known to write some truly bad haiku.